Our senses are one of the key factors for weight gain. Do you ever think of it? Yes, our senses act a leading role in weight gain.
Eyes: When you see a colorful display of eatables in different sizes and shapes in a restaurant or bakery or in a hotel, you are tempted to have it immediately. We may not be hungry, it may not be the scheduled time to eat, but still, we eat it. We don't care about the oil content or sweet content or fat content or salt content. The color and shapes tempt us to have it. This is one of the reasons we put on weight.
Eyes: When you see a colorful display of eatables in different sizes and shapes in a restaurant or bakery or in a hotel, you are tempted to have it immediately. We may not be hungry, it may not be the scheduled time to eat, but still, we eat it. We don't care about the oil content or sweet content or fat content or salt content. The color and shapes tempt us to have it. This is one of the reasons we put on weight.

Tongue: Taste is one of the culprits for our weight gain. Taste buds in the tongue are the reason. We forget one thing, when the food crosses the taste buds in the mouth we don't know what the taste is. We eat many foods for taste only, and that food may be rich in sugar or fat or salt or of oil content and in eating this way we put on weight. When we consider a healthy life we must forget taste buds.
Nose: Aroma is one of the factors for weight gain. Even when we are not in a mood to eat, the aroma of some foods tempts us to eat. We forget weight consciousness and we consume more than what we want.
Our senses are one of the main culprits for some of the negative effects we face in our life. We can see in our day to day life, a blind man does not put on weight. If hereditary is the reason for weight gain, then we can not do anything other than giving it a try.
Our senses are one of the main culprits for some of the negative effects we face in our life. We can see in our day to day life, a blind man does not put on weight. If hereditary is the reason for weight gain, then we can not do anything other than giving it a try.
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